Grabbing images directly from the desktop is a very frequent operation among people who are engaged in software development and reviewing. SnapMyScreen is a very simple free application that helps you take snapshots from your computer screen.
The tool can grab three different types of areas, including free rectangular selections, Windows snips and full-screen captures. However, it does not support free-form screenshots. Once a shot has been taken, it can be saved as an image file (JPG, PNG and BMP), copied to the clipboard or opened in Paint for editing. Although this tool can respond to standard key combinations, such as Shift + PrtSc and Ctrl + PrtS, it does not allow you to customize keyboard shortcuts.
In general, SnapMyScreen is definitely not one of the most feature-rich applications of its kind. If there is one thing to say is that it is extremely easy to use. Besides, it has the advantage of being transparent, which means that the application’s window does not appear in the screenshots. To conclude, I have to admit that I really liked this program in spite of the fact that it does not really have much to offer.
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